Saturday, December 15, 2007

A mother's love never dies

Chase and I went to eat Chinese food tonight for our romantic dinner. We sat alone in the smoking section for 10 minutes and soon a couple was seated next to us. The woman was a very talkative older lady. Very vibrant and reminded me of my grandmother. In between plates she looks at me and says, "You look exactly like my daughter. You are so beautiful. Everything about you reminds me of her." Then she says, "My daughter died in a car accident." I immediately said, "I'm sorry to hear that." Throughout the rest of our meals I could feel her watching me.

Strangely enough we finished our meals at about the same time. They got up to leave and she asked if she could give me a hug. I got up and gave her a hug you would give to someone in your family. Very close and personal (not the sideways hug that you would give to a stranger). She whispers in my ear, "I love you honey. Merry Christmas." It took everything I had in me not to cry on her shoulder. You could hear the hurt in her voice. The pain of losing a child. I felt so sad for this woman who shared such an intimate connection with me.

This stranger made me appreciate my two healthy boys even more. To cherish the moments we have together because at anytime it could be taken away.