Monday, March 10, 2008

The escapades of the weekend

So, this weekend the three of us spent the weekend at Chase’s house with Devin. Mind you, I’ve got an ear infection and a sore throat kickin’ and taking heavy meds for it. The re-introduction went great and they were getting along. Just happy to be with “friends”. We fit all three car seats into the SUV and piled in. Garrett and Devin had window seats and poor little Jacob was stuck in the middle. The five of us ran around Saturday morning doing some last minute errands. After the errands were done we went back to the house and the kids got to play. Can you imagine the noise level of 3 excited little boys? Chase and I were doing a lot of “No, don’t do that. Share your toys. Don’t run.” Yada yada yada. Of coarse there were lots of tantrums by us saying “NO”.

It’s about 2 o’clock by now and we are loading up to go to a birthday party. I figure with all the playing, running, jumping, etc that they have done the car would have put all 3 to sleep in an instant. WRONG! Still going strong. We get to the b-day party (which is at the museum) and they did mini tour of the dinosaurs. Yeah, not fun when all the kids are supposed to line up in a line and follow the tour guide. I’m constantly looking for them making sure they haven’t wondered off.

Jacob and Devin (with pizza faces)

Garrett with the fish

5 o’clock and the party is over. Nap time? NOPE! Still wide awake and yelling. We get the brilliant idea to go shopping for some items at Walmart. Shopping with 3 kids? We’re crazy! I won’t go into detail about our experience other than the fact that all of us came out alive. I had my doubts. It was semi late at this point and I’m starving. Nothing quick to make at the house so we stop at Sonic. The kids are STILL yelling and I have a mini meltdown right there in the car. I start crying. Chase is being really sweet saying it’s ok, reassuring me that things will get better, that this is new for all of us, and that things will calm down.

We finally get home, unload the car, and finish eating dinner. Devin says he wants to take a bath with EVERYONE and wants me to wash him. All 3 boys jump in the tub. Note to self: the tub is NOT big enough for all 3 kids. By 8:30 all the kids are in Devin’s room, laying on the floor, and watching a movie. Finally, peace and quiet and one by one they all fall asleep.

I won’t break down the day of Sunday even though we did a lot throughout the day. It was somewhat better than Saturday though. Devin was ready for us to leave when dinner was done. He wasn’t as fond of me and wasn’t in the mood to share his toys anymore.

So, my views of the entire weekend?
  1. I want to neuter myself today. What was I thinking? Having another baby? HA!
  2. Devin is going to have some boundary issues when we move in.
  3. I need to bring lots of headache medicine and earplugs.
  4. Chase is an awesome dad.
  5. Having 3 kids so close in age could drive someone to drink. Please pass the booze!
  6. Chase and I are never going to agree on paint color!