Have you ever heard of Post Secret? It's basically a website that one guy, Frank, created. It showcases postcards that people have mailed with a personal secret that they have. Every Sunday new postcards are uploaded.
Anyways, Yahoo had their own version of Post Secret and this is one that I submitted. I'm comfortable enough to share it now. I've had a weight issue basically my entire life and I've tried to lose it multiple times with several different diets. Even going as far as having gastroplasty to control my eating (in the end that didn't work....long story).
My confession is that I'm scared of being the skinny girl. The concept is unimaginable. I only know how to be the fat girl. I'm scared of change so in turn I sabatoge my own weight loss. How do I get over this fear in order to be healthy for myself and for my family?
I used to have that issue too, still do to an extent, and it took me several years of group therapy with an eating disorder group and lots of journaling to understand and manage my fear. I'm wondering if there isn't some online group you could join.
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