Monday, April 28, 2008

Just call me Ms. Clumsy

I can't walk and chew gum at the same time. I was the kid that fell off the risers during a choir performance and sprained her ankle. Many of times I've slipped in the bathtub. I still can't walk down a set of stairs without having the fear of tumbling down them. So many more instances to prove my clumsiness, but today I believe I've outdone myself.

I stepped out of the shower, wrapped a towel around myself, and walked to get my unmentionables from the dresser. As my hand goes on the handle and begin to pull, I feel a sharp pain my foot. I look down and see my hair dryer. I had stepped on the electrical plug and the metal had gone into my foot. The true pain didn't set in until I sat down on the bed and examined my foot. Chase was my strong provider and doctored my bleeding foot while I cried like a baby.

10 hours later my foot is so swollen that I can't even wiggle my toes. I've had my tetanus shot so I'm not worried about my foot turning green and falling off. It is currently propped on a pillow, ice around it, and I'm doped up on Tylenol (as doped as you can get on that stuff). Hopefully, tomorrow I will be able to walk without limping.

I will update if I decide that my foot will be better chopped off instead of attached to my ankle.

Ms. Clumsy