Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving

It is evident that today is Thanksgiving, with my extended belly full of food, wanting to pass out at 3 o'clock in the afternoon, and trying to think of things that I'm truly thankful for this year. It's not really hard to think of things to be thankful for, but I feel I should look deep within myself instead of what comes naturally.

1. I'm thankful for my family. This is including everyone that is close to me and who I cherish. If I had to list everyone then it would take all day and I'd lose what little readers I actually had by name 10.

2. I'm thankful for my friends. They pick me up with I'm down, laugh when I need it, give advice that is usually better than my own, make me feel sane, and are the bestest friends anyone could ever ask for.

3. I'm thankful for Chase. We've had more ups than downs in our relationship. We've cried together and laughed together, he is my rock when I need it, he is my other half. I truly believe this will be the first of many Thanksgivings together.

4. I'm thankful for this blog and the ability to write. I've always felt that if I didn't have writing as an outlet, I would go insane. The bottled up feelings I carry with me would explode and probably at the most inappropriate time. This is the only place I can be myself. The only place I can tell everything too. It's my diary and I'm allowing everyone to read it.

5. I'm thankful for reality tv. Peeking into the lives of others makes me realize that my family isn't as dysfunctional as I once thought.

6. I'm thankful for all my past mistakes and failures. If I didn't make mistakes or have failures to learn from, I wouldn't be the person I am today. With every "wrong" choice I made, I became a stronger more intelligent woman.

I will end on that note. From our family to yours we hope you had a great Thanksgiving.