Monday, September 15, 2008

Day 3 - Monday

The cold front came in today which makes having no electricity alittle bit more bearable. We have the windows and the back door open so the breeze is coming through. At least it's not 100 degrees anymore!

Chase went to work today even though there was no power at the office. He was there for maybe 30 minutes. He then had to turn around and come back home. It's frustrating when gas is non-existent. If you do find gas then the line is at least 5 miles long. Thankfully, he does not have to return back to work until the electricity is turned back on.

While on his way home, Chase went to find a FEMA POD (point of destination for food, water, and meal). A driver was nice enough to let Chase in front of her when he missed the end of the line. He sat in line for 2 hours until a police officer pulled up beside his truck. He said that Chase had cut in line and that he would have to leave. Chase tried his hardest to explain, but the police officer didn't want to hear any excuses. He immediately got on his radio and called for a trucker to tow Chase's truck. Unwillingly, Chase left the line with no food or water.

After our trip to HEB yesterday, I'm nervous that we will run out of food, water, and ice. Ice isn't going to keep all our food frozen.